
Tell the next MP for Cowper

No more public money for fossil fuels

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It’s time to end taxpayer subsidies for fossil fuels.

Every minute that passes fossil fuel companies are handed another $19,000 of taxpayers’ money. That’s more than ten billion dollars every year.

In the past few years as Australians have watched as devastating floods, fires and drought supercharged by climate change have ravaged communities around the country the Morrison Government has quietly handed more than $10 billion dollars of our money annually to the very companies that are fuelling the climate crisis – fossil fuel businesses.

As the next Federal Election draws closer, we have a huge opportunity to send a clear message to our leaders that we want them to use our taxpayer money to fund climate solutions not more climate pollution.

Right now, your local candidates are listening very closely to the issues that concern voters in their electorate as they try to secure the votes they need to win.

If enough local people, like you, email them today and tell them that you will support a candidate that prioritises ending subsidies for fossil fuels, it could motivate them to stand up against this expensive giveaway to our biggest climate polluters and pressure the next Australian government to end these handouts for good.

Simply add your details and message to the form to send your local candidates a message today.

Not sure what to say? Here are some tips:

  • Let them know you’re a local and that you are concerned about taxpayer dollars funding climate pollution instead of climate solutions. You could say you’ve seen research that shows $19,000 of taxpayer money a minute is given to fossil fuel companies, adding up to billions each year. 
  • Tell them you want this to stop and for the billions of dollars to be used on climate solutions instead –ask them what they’d do about this if they got into office.
  • To help your email stand out in their inbox choose a short subject for your email like “Fund climate solutions, not climate pollution.”
  • Use your own voice! There’s a draft email to give you a bit of inspiration, but it will be more powerful in your own words.

Source: Renew Economy: “Perverse:” Australian fossil fuel subsidies will top $22,000 a minute this year, 2022 https://reneweconomy.com.au/perverse-australian-fossil-fuel-subsidies-will-top-22000-a-minute-this-year/

Send a message to your local candidates

No more public money for fossil fuels

  • Give your email a unique subject line so that it stands out in the candidates' email inboxes.
  • Tell your local candidates why you believe we should stop giving billions in public funds to fossil fuel companies.

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