Do you work in a coal power station?
Are you worried about unsafe conditions at work? Or about losing your job?
Workers, like you, are the backbone of Australia’s power industry. Your skills and knowledge will leave a strong legacy for future generations of working people and regional communities across Australia. But that important job comes with a fair bit of uncertainty and stress, every single day.
It’s time for a change. The Coal Impacts Index exists to shine a light on the real-life impacts of big coal companies on the health and wellbeing of coal power workers, their families and communities. We’re working hard to expose the bad practices of big coal companies who are doing the wrong thing by the very people they’re supposed to be looking out for — workers like you.
If you’re concerned about something you’ve seen — such as poorly maintained equipment or environmental breaches — or if you’re worried about losing your job or the impact your job is having on your health, it’s time to stand up, speak out and share your story. Your voice is powerful. By sharing your story you will help draw attention to the bad things big coal companies are doing and join with other concerned Australians working to ensure that the days of big coal putting the health of their workers, environment and local community at risk are numbered.
Use the form to stand up, speak out and help us hold coal power stations to account.
Important note: Sharing your story on this website is not the same as making a formal complaint or report about a workplace incident. The information you submit in the form will be only used for the purposes of the Australia Beyond Coal campaign. If you are concerned about a potential safety risk, you can contact the local relevant authority in your state — WorkSafe Victoria or SafeWork NSW. You could also speak to your local union representative. Get more information about your rights at work and who to reach out to when you have a problem from the Australian Council of Trade Unions. We will send you a copy of whatever you send us to make it easy for you to pass it along.
Tell us your story - Workers
Stand up, speak out and share your story to hold coal power owners to account.
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