
Your Stories

People from across the country are sharing their stories about the reality of living and working near coal fired power stations. Here’s just a few of them.

  • Claire’s Story

    I’d like for the minsters and government to come and stay here for several months to experience what it’s really like – the heaviness in the chest, laboured breathing, metallic taste in the back of one’s mouth and the general brain fogginess that you experience after living in the polluted air. You can literally see the coal ash everywhere on people’s homes and cars.  Read more
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  • Victoria
  • John’s Story

    On a clear day, you can see the pollution from the coal power stations, it is like a big grey streak curving across the sky before it drops down on the towns. I’ve lived in other areas with pollution, including the city when lead petrol was still normal and near factories and I did not have the health issues I have now.  Read more
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  • Victoria
  • Tania’s Story

    Until I moved to this house, I thought about the coal pollution, the same way that most people who is the Valley do. I didn’t think it was that bad, just a fact of life living here…But, since I’ve moved here, I’ve seen just how bad the impacts of coal power can be.  Read more
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Power Station belching emissions behind town with people waving

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Do you live near a coal fired power station?

Personal stories from local residents are one of the most powerful ways to demonstrate the impact coal power is having on our environment and our health.

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